European Insights

Opinions, analysis and news on migration policies in Europe
Is the dignified reception of all asylum seekers in Europe an illusion?
While some countries were already struggling to provide dignified reception conditions for asylum seekers, the rise in the number of arrivals to Europe highlighted the inability of European countries to meet their obligations as well as their tendency to limit access to rights and services. In a context characterized by growing anti-migrant sentiment, is the top-down harmonization of reception conditions possible?
© 2018 France terre d'asile - Vues d'Europe
Les articles de Vues d’Europe sont réalisés dans le cadre des projets européens « Reloref » et « Réseau réinstallés » de France terre d’asile, financés par le Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (FAMI) de l’Union européenne.

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