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“Humanitarian Corridors guarantee a global, non-technical and humane approach”
Implemented by several faith-based organisations, humanitarian corridors have enabled thousands of people seeking protection to reach Europe. Discussion with Valérie Régnier, the representative of the Community of Sant’Egidio in France, which implement these programmes in several countries.
Community based sponsorship programmes in Europe: what next?
“Since 2013, complementary pathways of admission for refugees – in particular community sponsorship programmes – have emerged in Europe as a direct response to the worsening conflict in Syria. This phenomenon reflects the increasing desire of European civil society actors to directly engage in admitting and welcoming refugees into their local communities.”

The other impact of the 2015 crisis: unprecedented mass mobilisation
Even if less media-exposed than anti migrants and anti-refugees speeches and measures, civil society actions grew significantly in the EU since the 2015 ‘refugee crisis’. Overview of these solidarity initiatives.

Europe divided about the adoption of the Global Compact for Migration
The UN’s Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration was adopted last December in spite of a few European States’ objections. Analysis of a controversy highlighting the growing influence of European populist rhetoric on a global scale.
“If we are to succeed in eliminating populism and defeating populists, cities must speak directly to their citizens”
The German city of Dresden belongs to several networks of European cities supporting the reception of migrants and refugees. For a few years now, the city has been developing action plans to promote hospitality and to tackle anti-immigration views. Meet Dirk Hilbert, Dresden’s Mayor.
European solidarity put to the test by burgeoning xenophobia
As some European political leaders adopted speeches and political measures openly hostile to refugees and migrants, xenophobia is spreading all over the EU, therefore potentially affecting the upcoming May European Parliament elections. Is a common European policy on immigration and asylum still an option? What about European solidarity?
Migration and the rise of populism: how closely related are they?
“Did migration contribute to the recent rise of right-wing populism in Europe? At first glance, the question seems trivial. For most right-wing populist parties in Europe put the immigration issue on the top of their agenda exploiting anxieties over cultural disintegration and rising crime”
“More solidarity and a greater political courage are needed to put an end to the tragic situation in the Mediterranean and to improve the management of asylum in Europe »
Vincent Cochetel, Special Envoy of the UNHCR for the Central Mediterranean situation, shares his views on the EU proposals for a better management of migratory flows in the Mediterranean Sea, and on issues related to the cooperation with neighboring countries of the EU.