European Insights

Opinions, analysis and news on migration policies in Europe
Legal pathways for refugees to Europe: developments and challenges
In 2014, the Juncker Commission made the implementation of legal migration channels for people in need of protection a priority. Five years later, the replacement of irregular and dangerous migration channels by legal and secure pathways to Europe is becoming increasingly pressing. Currently insufficiently exploited, their development is one of the main challenges with regards to migration policy for the new European Commission and Parliament.
© 2018 France terre d'asile - Vues d'Europe
Les articles de Vues d’Europe sont réalisés dans le cadre des projets européens « Reloref » et « Réseau réinstallés » de France terre d’asile, financés par le Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (FAMI) de l’Union européenne.

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